South Carolina Motorcycle Rights Association


13NR08 - MRF News Release - Pre-Registration Deadline for BEAST of the East is approaching fast.

Alerts and other info from the MRF

3/11/2013 8:27:00 PM
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13NR08 - MRF News Release - Pre-Registration Deadline for BEAST of the East is approaching fast.


MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 510 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |

13NR08 - MRF News Release - Pre-Registration Deadline for BEAST of the East is approaching fast.

11 March 2013

Contact:Carol Downs, Director of Conferences & Events

Pre-Registration Deadline for BEAST of the East is approaching fast.

April 19th is the pre-registration deadline for BEAST of the East. By registering early you will save the $10.00 late registration fee. In addition, the cut-off date for reserving your room is on March 19th.

We have a great line up of speakers for this Conference. We will have general sessions that include information about the Intelligent Transportation System and the latest from the Centers for Disease Control. Our workshops include Developing Relationships Outside the Legislation, Motorcycle Only Checkpoints, Wooing Your Legislator and many more. You can view a copy of the agenda on the MRF website,; click on 2013 Conference Information.

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) will host this year's Conference. The dates are April 19th - 21st at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

This year there will be a few changes to the way things are usually done for Beast of the East. The MMA will be opening a hospitality suite on Thursday evening beginning at 6:00 pm and host an informal meet and greet. Many attendees and MRF Board Members arrive on Thursday and usually spend big money in the hotel restaurant and bar renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. We thought this would be a great way to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and spend some quality time with our fellow freedom fighters from around the country. There will be finger sandwiches, light snacks, and your favorite beverages available.

On Friday morning, the MMA invites all attendees to meet in the hotel lobby to depart on a scenic ride/drive to the Lexington/Concord battlefield. As a historical note, the date for this ride is on April 19th which is the exact 238th Anniversary of the battle that started the American Revolution and our quest for freedom as an independent nation. In honor of this Anniversary, the ride/drive will be named the Nathan "Buck" Kittredge ride. Buck is one of the early founders of the MRF and a former President. He was truly one of our leading freedom fighters. A small donation for the MRF A & E will be requested. There will be a private guided tour of the battlefield for Beast of the East attendees and we will stop for lunch. We plan on returning to the hotel by 3:00 pm for the afternoon breakout sessions.


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Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call 1-202-546-0983Registration is easy and secure for MRF Regional and Meeting of the Minds conferences. Visit our website at for further details and registration information.Send in your nominations and donations for the MRF's Young Activist Scholarship fund today. For complete details, visit up today for the MRF's new roadside assistance program by visiting The program is available to MRF members and non-MRF members.© All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation, incorporated in 1987, is a membership-based, national motorcyclists' rights organization headquartered in Washington, DC. The first motorcyclists' rights organization to establish a full-time presence in Washington, DC, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation is the only Washington voice devoted exclusively to the street rider. The MRF established MRFPAC in the early 1990s to advocate the election of candidates who would champion the cause of rider safety and rider freedom.The MRF proudly claims state motorcyclists' rights organizations and the very founders of the American riders' rights movement among its leading members. The MRF is involved in federal and state legislation and regulations, motorcycling safety education, training, and public awareness. The MRF provides members and state motorcyclists' rights organizations with direction and information, and sponsors annual regional and national educational seminars for motorcyclists rights activists, as well as publishing a bi-monthly newsletter, THE MRF REPORTS.

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