Hello, Friends--
I hope this finds everybody doing well this week. Here's my Tiger Tales article for the month of May for you to check out, and I hope you enjoy it. I'm getting ready to head out to Albuquerque for the NCOM Convention, so I look forward to all who can make it for what I expect is going to be one of the most successful and best-attended ever! I'll give you a report when I get back. Have a terrific week, and continue to Ride Free and Safely! If anybody has last-minute names of riders who have passed away that they'd like included for the Memorial Bell-ringing, please e-mail them to me at tigermike7@cox.net , and I'll make sure they're read.
In Liberty,
Tiger Mike Revere
Proud Lifetime Member #001,
ABATE of Oklahoma, Inc.
Hello to all Freedom-loving Motorcyclists and Trikers everywhere! I want to open up with heartfelt thanks to all my ABATE Brothers and Sisters for volunteering to help out in so many areas of our Motorcyclist Rights Organization’s outreach, whether it involves manning ABATE Booths at motorcycling events throughout the Sooner State or taking part in the newly-organized Share The Road Program. With multiple health problems, I don’t get around as much as I used to, so I want to emphasize how important it is for more of our membership to get out there and pitch in, on both the Chapter and State level-your ABATE needs you!
The end of March, I attended an organizational meeting of dedicated riders desiring to form an additional ABATE Chapter serving the Midwest City area and the eastern part of Central Oklahoma. It’s terrific to have a number of members interested in supporting our Organization’s expanding by making it easier for folks to attend ABATE meetings closer to their homes. The Oklahoma City Metro Area has literally tens of thousands of registered motorcyclists, and only a small minority takes an involved role in defending their Rights. I welcome anyone’s ideas that will help our Chapters grow and become more effective, and if another ABATE Chapter will draw more folks in our area of the state to defend Riding Liberty, then I welcome that as well. I’m excited about our Rider Education Incentive designed to offer a free ABATE Membership to non-members completing a Beginning or Experienced Rider Course. All one has to do is attend an ABATE Chapter Meeting with a copy of their Course Completion Certificate to be verified by a Chapter Officer, and submit an application. The H.O.G. Chapter in Stillwater recently organized a group participation in the MSF Course, so I’m hoping we’ll enjoy welcoming a bunch of new members as a result.
It was great to take part in the Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs Strategic Alliance gathering on March 26, where 200 riders attended. The entire Confederation Board was there, and as ABATE Liaison, I was honored to provide an update on what our Organization has accomplished in the past year, emphasizing the close productive working relationship ABATE and the Oklahoma Confederation enjoy. A lot of states don’t experience the operational harmony we do, so we are truly fortunate! Chaplains from Nationwide Motorcycle Clubs and Ministries gave presentations and answered questions pertaining to everyone getting along better and focusing on issues concerning us all. Other states are soon following Oklahoma’s lead in establishing Strategic Alliances to support their ridership, and we aim to provide the same type of support and information sharing to our Veterans Community in the near future. Keep checking www.okcoc.net for our progress-we are truly blessed!
May will see ABATE folks traveling all over the Nation in the interest of Motorcycling Freedom. The time is finally here for the Twenty-Sixth Annual National Coalition of Motorcyclists Convention being held May 5-8 in Albuquerque, NM, and several Oklahomans are planning to attend. The host hotel is booked solid, but the overflow hotel still has some room left. Log onto www.aimncom.comif you decide to attend at the last minute-it’s not too far a ride! Additionally, we’ll be seeing a number of our ABATE Members, led by our State Coordinator, headed east for the MRF Bikers On The Beltway lobbying event in Washington, DC. With critical threats such as Motorcycle-only Checkpoints facing our Riding Community nationwide, this is definitely going to be a worthwhile event for those who have the time to get involved. Check out www.mrf.orgor contact Garry Canaday for more information.
Tiger’s Tip O’ The Month: Spring Riding Season is characterized by the renewal of festive Bike Nights virtually every night of the week. This provides the opportunity for motorcyclists to socialize, patronize Biker-Friendly establishments, and check out some really fine-looking rides! Unfortunately, the opportunity also presents itself to indulge in alcohol and get back on the bike, which puts a rider quite literally on dangerous ground. Research has shown that use of alcohol or drugs is involved in over eighty percent of single-vehicle motorcycle crashes. A number of facilities provide plenty of alternatives to drinking and riding, and some locations even exercise Brotherhood by securing bikes for those who’ve overdid it and need a ride home. Life is all about choices, so please choose to ride sober-CHOOSE LIFE!
Be sure to attend COD’s annual Memorial Day Run to the State Capitol on Monday, May 30, where we’ll once again honor our Military who have made the Supreme Sacrifice! We’ll be leaving the Skyline Restaurant Parking lot at 10:20AM. As I close, my heart goes out to my dear friend and fellow NCOM Member Dave Zien of Wisconsin, who was victimized by an irresponsible motorist during Daytona Bike Week. He lost his left leg above the knee and suffered a broken hip. Dave served in the Wisconsin State Senate, and is a former U.S. Marine with multiple combat tours in Vietnam. He is a Riding Liberty Champion, having logged over a Million Miles on one motorcycle throughout the Nation! Please remember Dave and his family in your thoughts and prayers. One final piece of information: the dates of the Mid-South M.I.L.E. Biker Rights Seminars in Joplin, Missouri have been changed to October 21-23. I hope the largest group of attendees there will be from Oklahoma! Check out www.midsouthmile.orgfor more information, and plan on joining us! Oh yeah-remember our Freedom Fighters in Nebraska, where LB52 has been submitted allowing Freedom of Choice regarding helmet wear for adult riders. A bill to overturn the Mandatory Helmet Law has been submitted in Michigan as well. Take care of each other, Ride Safely, Sober and Aware, and I’ll see you next month. Don’t Forget-Thank A Vet!!
Keep It On The Black Strip Between The Trees,
Tiger Mike