BEST of the West, June 10-12, 2011
Have you registered yet? The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) hopes you will join us in Ogden, Utah for the 2011 BEST of the West conference from June 10-12. This year the conference is hosted by ABATE of Utah.
BEST of the West is one of the MRF’s regional events that allows interested motorcyclists' rights activists to learn about issues affecting our right to ride. It offers workshops on how to be more involved, be more effective and make our presence known.
BEST of the West conference attendance is open to anyone interested in motorcyclists’ rights. The registration fee covers all the seminars for the weekend, as well as a dinner banquet and auction on Saturday night.
The MRF encourages all participants to make their hotel arrangements as soon as possible. Reservations can be made at the Comfort Suites by calling 801-621-2545. The hotel is located on 2250 South 1200 West, Ogden, Utah 84401.
To register for the BEST of the West conference, visit the MRF’s website at or contact the MRF DC office at 202-546-0983. Applications can be printed from the website and mailed to the MRF office at 236 Massachusetts Ave NE, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20002. For more information about BEST of the West or any MRF conference, contact MRF Conference Director Carol Downs at or MRF Conference Assistant Teri Stobbs-Ricci at
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Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call 1-202-546-0983
Registration is easy and secure for MRF Regional and Meeting of the Minds conferences. Visit our website at for further details and registration information.
Send in your nominations and donations for the MRF's Young Activist Scholarship fund today. For complete details, visit
Sign up today for the MRF's new roadside assistance program by visiting The program is available to MRF members and non-MRF members.
© All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation, incorporated in 1987, is a membership-based, national motorcyclists' rights organization headquartered in Washington, DC. The first motorcyclists' rights organization to establish a full-time presence in Washington, DC, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation is the only Washington voice devoted exclusively to the street rider. The MRF established MRFPAC in the early 1990s to advocate the election of candidates who would champion the cause of rider safety and rider freedom.
The MRF proudly claims state motorcyclists' rights organizations and the very founders of the American riders' rights movement among its leading members. The MRF is involved in federal and state legislation and regulations, motorcycling safety education, training, and public awareness. The MRF provides members and state motorcyclists' rights organizations with direction and information, and sponsors annual regional and national educational seminars for motorcyclists rights activists, as well as publishing a bi-monthly newsletter, THE MRF REPORTS.
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