ABATE OK State Party

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10/1/2011 10:50:52 AM
View user profile for BillBrews
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Ride Free, Ride Often

ABATE OK State Party


Hello, Friends--


I hope this finds all of you having a good week, and that everybody is enjoying this absolutely wonderful Fall riding weather!  If you're casting about for something fun to do this coming weekend, may I suggest coming up to Lahoma for ABATE of Oklahoma's annual "Party On The Plains" taking place Sept 30-Oct 2.  It's going to be held once again at the Westlake Sportsmen's Complex in Lahoma, on Hwy. 412 west of Enid, OK.  You can stop by ABATE's State Website at: www.abateofoklahoma.org to download and print an event flyer with directions.  The location is west of I-35, and the lake is just north of Hwy. 412 by Lahoma. Just look for the ABATE sign by where you're supposed to turn.


The State Party site is on a beautiful lake, and will feature live and recorded music, an observation Bike Run, Bike Games, People Games, a Bike Show, Tattoo Contest, Paint Ball Challenge, and vendors of all types.  The band Shotgun Rebellion will be playing on Friday, and Five Shades Of Grey will be the featured band playing Saturday night.  Best of all, you'll get to party and socialize with hundreds of your Brothers and Sisters from YOUR State Motorcyclist Rights Organization as it prepares for the 2012 Oklahoma Legislative Campaign. Don't like being profiled and pulled over solely because your riding a motorcycle or trike?  ABATE of Oklahoma will seek to make that illegal as we continue to fight on your behalf, just as has been done this year in Washington State!  So, c'mon out and join us!


I'm also sending this out to inform our Riding Family of a developing crisis which could use our help.  Rick, the leader of the Shotgun Rebellion Band that is playing the Party on Friday, called to inform me that their Bass Player's wife, who was recently hospitalized due to a severe stroke, just died suddenly and is being buried this week.  The family is not well-off, and they're trying desperately to scrape money together for the funeral.  Rick asked me to let folks know that the tip jar will be put out front when the band plays this Friday, and if attendees would open their hearts and be generous, all the tip money will go to help pay for the funeral.  So, I'm appealing to all who are planning to attend to please help the band and the family out in their time of need. If you can't join us for the Party, please remember the grieving family in your thoughts and prayers.  I think it's pretty righteous that they're going ahead with their plans to support ABATE's event with some high-energy Rock and Roll, in spite of this shocking development.  Thanks very much for listening, and I sincerely hope you can attend what has always been a really fun time!  For those of you attending the Oklahoma Confederation Of Clubs Board Meeting, Presidents' Meeting, Christian Unity Meeting, and U.S. Defenders' Meeting this weekend, I very much look forward to seeing you in Mustang.  Have a good rest of the week, and continue to Ride Free and Safely!


In Liberty,

Tiger Mike Revere

Proud Lifetime Member #001, ABATE of Oklahoma, Inc.

Liaison, Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs

405-596-1072 (cell)

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