11NR31 - MRF News Release - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner Receives Award for Supporting Motorcyclists

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11NR31 - MRF News Release - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner Receives Award for Supporting Motorcyclists


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11NR31 - MRF News Release - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner Receives Award for Supporting Motorcyclists  

9 November 2011

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs

Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner Receives Award for Supporting Motorcyclists

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that ABATE of Wisconsin awarded Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner with its Certificate of Appreciation. The award goes to individuals who go above and beyond when it comes to protecting motorcyclists’ rights. In years past, the award was reserved for ABATE members only; this is the first time it has ever been awarded to anyone outside the organization. 

Sensenbrenner has redefined what it means to go "above and beyond." He has worked tirelessly to protect motorcyclists' rights on every front at the federal level for over 35 years. "Not only are the motorcyclists of Wisconsin in Mr. Sensenbrenner's debt, every motorcyclist in this country has benefitted from his steadfast support," said Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs.  

Representative Sensenbrenner has been the lead advocate for stopping motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints, supporting crash avoidance over safer crashing, and lately the ethanol fuel issue.  

The MRF also commends ABATE of Wisconsin for fostering a model relationship with an elected official. This should be an example to everyone for developing a good working relationship with an elected official.  

Congressman Sensenbrenner, upon receiving the award, said, "I want to thank ABATE of Wisconsin for their tireless work to raise awareness on issues that affect motorcyclists.  I am honored to work with them to make their voices heard in Washington, and I look forward to continuing our efforts to reduce unnecessary and burdensome federal government regulations." 

John Reblin, who presented the award, pointed out that, "Representative Sensenbrenner was chosen because of the support he has given motorcyclists throughout the years with his common sense approach with such things as HR 748 to prohibit the EPA from authorizing the use of gasoline greater than 10 percent ethanol in certain vehicles, and HR 904 which would prohibit the Federal DOT from providing grants or any other funds to another unit of government for motorcycle-only checkpoints." 

The MRF joins ABATE of Wisconsin in recognizing the leadership and dedication of the Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner.


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