VICTORY! "One Subject" Introduced in Congress!

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1/31/2012 7:57:36 PM
View user profile for BillBrews
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Ride Free, Ride Often

VICTORY! "One Subject" Introduced in Congress!


We have a major victory to report. It's been a LONG TIME coming.

The "One Subject at a Time Act" has finally been introduced in Congress!

Freshman Representative Tom Marino of Pennsylvania is the sponsor. The bill number is HR 3806.

We encourage you to give him POSITIVE FEEDBACK. Can we flood his Facebook page with positive comments and his congressional office with phone calls? 

* (202) 225-3731

The Williamsport Tea Party was a crucial ally. This is a unique group that was well-organized and principle-focused (instead of candidate-centered). They had a clear objectives. They maintained persistent pressure. 

This morning, we sent a press release to several hundred media outlets. Here's a sample:  

NOW we can begin to attract co-sponsors, IF . . . 

We can build a sound foundation. Here's what we mean . . .

We accomplish a lot with a little. THIS YEAR that little NEEDS to average $1 per subscriber per month. This is a perfectly reasonable goal. It's a modest price for what we provide.

Here's where we stand . . .

* We have 32,123 subscribers.
* We've raised $11,704.91 so far this month.

This amounts to 36 cents per subscriber. We're 64 cents per subscriber shy of our humble goal.

Are you as thrilled as I am that we have gotten an ORIGINAL, Downsize DC Agenda bill sponsored in Congress?

We don't want to stop there, do we?

You see, getting to this point was NOT easy. It took lots of time.

Often, when dealing with legislative offices, you invest energy at the expense of more immediate, more certain opportunities. Dealing with these constantly-distracted congressional offices requires persistence and patience. There's no guarantee of progress, let alone success. But, it all comes down to this . . .

Getting more sponsors requires more organization with a larger army behind it -- and that means a bigger budget. But we can do a lot with a little.  

So, do you like what we're doing? Please start a monthly pledge or make a one-time donation.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

P.S. I described our GOAL above. But we're on the <strong>last day of the month</strong>, and Downsize DC is shy of our actual BUDGET need by about $2,600. Your generous support is needed. It would be very encouraging to my team if someone reading this could contribute that balance today.

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