MMA Alert: We the Riders! A Storm is Brewing!

Info from other motorcycle rights organizations

2/15/2012 6:35:25 PM
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Ride Free, Ride Often

MMA Alert: We the Riders! A Storm is Brewing!


We must learn to live, ride, and work together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools.

The above used to appear on the masthead of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) Update Newsletter until a few years ago. We are republishing it here as we believe it is as true now as it was back then: maybe even more so.

We are asking every motorcyclist in this state to make every effort to attend the MMA's 11th Annual Storm the State House Event on May 17, 2012.

We realize the Storm is scheduled on a regular work day, but we do this on purpose. If we scheduled the Storm for a weekend there would be no one at the State House for riders to talk to and thus we would have zero impact. This is your chance for YOUR voice to be heard up on Beacon Hill.

Part of our ride is directly in front of the State House and our Legislators comment that they hear us coming.

The Storm the Statehouse is a FREE EVENT and the MMA even picks up the tab for parking in Boston for the day.

As riders, we often spend a lot of time and money on charity events and other rides that have nothing to do with motorcycles or motorcycle rights; most of these causes are very deserving, but frankly they won’t reciprocate by fighting for motorcyclists’ rights… Our Rights! They have their own battles to wage. The only people who will fight for OUR Rights are WE THE RIDERS!

This is an opportunity for all of us to make a difference and let your voices be heard. Show our lawmakers we care about our rights and our chosen lifestyle.

Make a difference - Don't think the "other" guy will do it

This one day off from work will go a long way towards guaranteeing your right to ride as free as possible.

Questions can be sent to Visit “Calendar of Events” tab and register for this FREE EVENT. Also, available for purchase are the MMA Storm the State House Event T-Shirt (pictured below) and patch set. This the MMA’s premier Legislative Lobbying Day. Join Us! 

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