Tiger Tales - November, 2011

Info from other motorcycle rights organizations

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Ride Free, Ride Often

Tiger Tales - November, 2011


Hello, Friends--


I hope everybody out there is enjoying a good week. Here is my Tiger Tales article for November, and hopefully you'll find it enjoyable.  I'll direct your attention to the information on our Veterans' Day Run taking place Friday, November 11, and the NCOM Region 2 Conference scheduled for November 18-19 in Tulsa.  Also, the American Legion Post #73 has graciously volunteered to host a Veterans' Day Party in Del City for all ceremony attendees.  Please make a special effort to join us at these significant events--I'll be looking for you!  Thanks for listening, Ride Free and Safely, and I'll see you on the Road!  Don't hesitate to call or e-mail me if you have any questions. 


In Liberty,

Tiger Mike Revere,

Proud Lifetime Member #001, ABATE of Oklahoma Inc.

405-596-1072 (cell)


Hello, Riding Friends!  As I write this, I’m enjoying the cooler fall weather, but saddened at the news that another member of our Riding Family has been violently taken from us.  Terri “Butterfly” Thomas, along with her partner Wolfman, both ABATE Lakes Area Chapter members, were victimized last month in a Motorcycle Wreck caused by a Right-Of-Way Violator.  Wolfman was severely injured and hospitalized, and Terri was tragically killed.  Even though our state continues to enjoy reduced death and injury rates, we continue to be reminded about how frustrating it is that our Brothers and Sisters continue to die for America’s right to Drive Stupidly!  As of this writing, the perpetrator has not been caught.  Please remember the families, friends and ABATE’s membership in this time of grief-Ride Free Forever, Butterfly!

Over four hundred motorcyclists and trikers packed the VFW Post in McAlester on September 11 for the Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs meeting which, as I mentioned last month, featured elections for the First Chair Position.  Before nominations were closed, the name of AVMC Lucky was included for the office.  AVMC Lucky, like all the nominees I mentioned last month, is a dedicated, experienced rider and Freedom-lover as well.  Again, many thanks to all these distinguished leaders of the Riding Community for stepping forward.  When the ballots were counted, Bandido Steve-O 1%er was elected to the position.  Heartfelt congratulations, Bandido Steve-O!   ABATE very much looks forward to working closely with you in fighting for the defense and enhancement of Motorcycling Liberty, in our state and Nationwide.

I was very glad to hear that so many of my ABATE compatriots had a terrific time at this year’s Party on the Plains in Lahoma Sept. 30-Oct. 2, which was one of our best-attended and most successful State-level events to-date.  As Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs Liaison, I attended organizational meetings that weekend to represent ABATE’s interests.  Our new Confederation First Chair, Bandido Steve-O 1%er, officially began his tenure with a Christian Unity Conference and Presidents’ Meeting on Saturday, followed by a U.S. Defenders Meeting on Sunday.  Under Steve-O’s leadership, the OKCOC is committed to improving its organizational effectiveness and accountability to the member groups it serves.  Our Spiritual Riding Family intends to expand its Christian Witness, and its meeting provided an excellent forum in which to discuss these issues.  We’re going to hold more regular meetings of Oklahoma leadership as well as the rank-and-file so everyone will interact more closely for the betterment of all.  Holly Hefton, one of ABATE’s Legal Advisors who’s an experienced Civil Rights Attorney, plans to work with the OK COC on judicial issues.  Whatever changes transpire will be designed to make a productive organization even better-I’m confident in a bright future! 

John Pierce, our Legislative Coordinator, gave an educational presentation at the Defenders’ Meeting on ABATE’s Legislative Goals and Strategy, and I was asked to speak on our close relationship with the National Coalition of Motorcyclists.  Malvado Bob has been appointed the new U.S. Defenders Commander for Oklahoma, and he’ll be succeeding Mark “Bus” Buskirk, who will be the OKCOC Logistics Coordinator.  Congratulations to both of you, and I’m enthused to work together with you and our Riding Community in our continued defense of the U.S. Constitution.  Remember: “If you don’t realize that you have Rights, then YOU DON’T!”

Here’s one last reminder for two significant events I hope you’ll be attending.  Our Veterans’ Day Bike Parade to the Oklahoma Memorial Park at the State Capitol kicks off on Friday, November 11.  Please join your fellow riders in tribute to our honored Military!  As usual, we assemble in the Skyline Restaurant Parking Lot on S.E. 15th Street, ¼ mile east of I-35 in Oklahoma City, and the Parade will depart promptly at 10:20AM.  Join us in the Parade or meet us at the State House.  Afterwards, the American Legion Post 73 in Del City has invited all participants to join them for a free Hot Dog Cookout! Last year, we had close to 500 attendees, even though it was a workday.  Unfortunately, I’m at the NCOM Semi-Annual Board Meeting in Memphis that weekend, after which I’ll be returning for our NCOM Region 2 Conference at the Wyndham Hotel in Tulsa November 18-19.  This regional meeting will be enlightening and fun, so I hope lots of Oklahomans will participate.  Check out www.aimncom.com for an event flyer and a meeting agenda, which will feature South Dakota State Senator Jim Putnam discussing Freedom of the Road issues; TMRA-II Chairman Paul Landers addressing the Fusion Center Threat; AIM Attorney Bill Smith updating on the Trademark Seizure challenge; a multi-state Legislative/Legal Forum, Confederation Meeting and Christian Unity get-together.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Tiger’s Tip O’ the Month:  Riders should always expect the unexpected, and November motorcycling can drive the point home.  We can quickly descend into unseasonably cold weather, freezing rain, ice and snow this month as easily as we baked in extreme heat this July and August.  Make sure your bike elements most easily threatened by cold, such as your battery, are attended to or replaced, check your tire pressure more regularly, and guard against hypothermia and wind-chill, which can cause damage before you know it!

We’ll close out this month planning another Thanksgiving Day celebration with family, friends and loved ones.  As we do this, I want to once again express my deep thanks for what I’m blessed with and sometimes take for granted.  Those blessings include the love and support of my fellow riders who cherish Liberty in Oklahoma, the greatest state in which to ride!  I’ll continue to show thanks by giving back with renewed effort to defend that Riding Freedom.  Keep riding Safely, Sober and Aware, and I’ll touch base with you again as winter draws closer and we get ready for Christmas!

Keep It On The Black Strip Between The Trees,

Tiger Mike

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