First we had one, then two sponsors for the "One Subject at a Time Act." NOW WE HAVE SIX!
We've just gained 4 new co-sponsors.
This means that you now have multiple new chances to become more powerful! Here's how to . . .
Do two simple things that will make it more likely that some of these new "One Subject" sponsors will . .
1. Ask their friends in Congress to become sponsors too.
2. Also sponsor our "Read the Bills" and "Write the Laws" acts.
STEP ONE: Go to the Facebook pages for each new co-sponsor and thank them for supporting the "One Subject at a Time Act."
Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama:
Representative Ann Marie Buerkle of New York:
Representative Robert T. Shilling of Illinois:
Representative Allen B. West of Florida:
Use your "thank you" to suggest that they send a "Dear colleague" letter to their friends in Congress, asking them to become co-sponsors too.
Also ask them to consider introducing the "Read the Bills Act" and the "Write the Laws Act." Share the links for those bills with them . . .
Many of you have done this already with Reps. Marino and Posey. It's had an effect. In fact, we know it's been a positive motivator for Rep. Marino to seek additional publicity for OSTA and to recruit his colleagues.
STEP TWO: Call and say thank you for sponsoring the "One Subject at a Time Act", and suggest that they send a "Dear Colleague" letter asking other members of Congress to also co-sponsor "One Subject."
Rep. Mo Brooks: Phone: (202) 225-4801
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle: (202) 225-3701
Rep. Bobby Schilling: (202) 225-5905
Rep. Allen B. West: (202) 225-3026
And finally, if you think we're doing a worthy job, consider making a financial contribution here.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
Official email newsletter of, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation.
SUPPORT the "Educate the Powerful System".
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