ANOTHER VICTORY! Plus, please thank this NEW "One Subject" co-sponsor!

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3/10/2012 9:18:23 AM
View user profile for BillBrews
Total Posts 1043
Ride Free, Ride Often

ANOTHER VICTORY! Plus, please thank this NEW "One Subject" co-sponsor!


I'm going to tell you about our latest co-sponsor for the "One Subject at a Time Act." But first . . .


The NDAA nullification bill passed in the Virginia Senate yesterday, 37-1!

Your calls and emails did the trick. But now we have to get the governor to sign the bill. Expect instructions for new action soon. 

Meanwhile, there's more good news . . .

"The One Subject at a Time Act" has a new co-sponsor -- Representative Andy Harris of Maryland.

This brings the total number of sponsors to 7.

YOU are making this happen.

I have it on good authority that the praise you're giving to sponsors is making a good impression. Word is spreading on Capitol Hill. It's helping to attract new sponsors.

Now your help is needed to thank and praise Representative Harris. Unfortunately, Mr. Harris has no Facebook page, and only people from his district can send him an electronic letter. So the rest of us will need to use the telephone . . .

Please call 202-225-5311 and thank Representative Harris for co-sponsoring the "One Subject at a Time Act." Suggest to the person who answers the phone that they should send a "Dear colleague" letter to their friends in Congress asking them to become co-sponsors too.

I phoned. I said thanks. It was quick and easy. It felt good.

When you're done with that, ponder the following . . . 

Do you like our progress? Do you think we could do more if we had more? Our secure contribution form is here.

There you'll find that we accept . . .

* Visa
* Mastercard
* Discover
* American Express
* PayPal
* Bitcoin
* And there's even a form for mailing a check

Thank you for helping us achieve these victories -- for being a part of the Downsize DC Team!

Have a great weekend,

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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