You're helping prevent war with Iran

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4/10/2012 7:37:10 PM
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You're helping prevent war with Iran


MEDIA NOTE:Jim Babka hosts a syndicated radio show on Wednesday afternoon.
Topic: Considering the role of the Christian Right in American-Israeli relations.
Details in the P.S.

Quote of the Day:"Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently declared that a war of choice with Iran would be a 'catastrophe.' Military and civilian leaders have unanimously echoed this assessment and warned that a military attack would make a nuclear-armed Iran more likely. Economists have warned that war with Iran would impose tremendous burdens on the fragile global economy, dramatically spike gas prices, and cost an untold number of jobs here at home. Members of Iranian civil society have warned that war, and even the threat of war, would be devastating for human rights and the pro-democracy movement in Iran." From a coalition letter to Congress, signed by opposes conflict with Iran.

It appears that more people in Washington are getting our message...

  • Senior military and diplomatic officials believe war with Iran would be a catastrophe.
  • Talks about Iran's nuclear program are scheduled to begin April 13. (

Let's build on this momentum. Please tell Congress that you oppose conflict with Iran.

You may borrow from or copy this letter...

I support measures to stop war with Iran. For instance, Rep. Barbara Lee's bill HR 4173... (

* Would lift the "no contact policy" that prevents U.S. diplomats from engaging with Iran.
* Would establish a special envoy to lead direct talks with Iran.
* Would clarify that there is no Congressional authorization for war with Iran.

The last point is crucial. ONLY Congress, not the President, has the Constitutional authority to declare war.

This bill would prevent the President from starting war with Iran. Thus, it's a practical measure to slow the warmongers in Congress. I doubt they want to go "on the record" in advance.

When it comes to military deployment the legislative branch has absolved itself of its Constitutional responsibilities. Cheerleading is not leading, especially when Representatives and Senators can later repudiate the decision when things don't work out well. Stated differently, Congress must be compelled to retake the burden of choosing war. They shouldn't be able to shirk this duty on to the President.  

But more must be done. Instead of bullying and threats against Iran, the U.S. should unilaterally lift all sanctions and resume normal diplomatic relations with Iran.

* Sanctions empower a weak regime. Even Iranian dissidents are united in the "patriotic" belief that their country has sovereign rights to develop nuclear energy and to national defense. 
* Iran has the right under the Non-Proliferation Treaty to develop nuclear energy.
* Our own intelligence experts admit that no evidence has been provided that Iran intends to build a nuclear warhead.  (

And EVEN IF it did...

* Attacking Iran now would only delay such a program and give them sufficient justification to build nuclear weapons as a deterrent from attack.
* Iran still wouldn't have the capability to launch them onto U.S. soil. Besides, this self-interested regime knows the U.S. would wipe Iran out if it launched such an attack.

Moreover, trade sanctions with Iran...

* Are hobbling the U.S. economy by preventing U.S. trade with Iran, even causing higher gas prices.
* Are having devastating effects on the Iranian people, who already suffer under this regime.
* Seem to be ineffective with Iran's leadership. They have dealt with sanctions for 30 years. (

Arguably, the most effective way to empower the dissidents, to undermine the regime, would be to lift sanctions and normalize relations.

In the end...

* Iran doesn't have a nuclear deterrent, and we couldn't stop them if they were developing one.
* U.S. security interests won't be in any more danger with a nuclear Iran than it is with other nuclear powers.
* The U.S. is only hurting itself and the global economy by its sanctions and threats against Iran.

Support immediate steps to prevent war with Iran. The best means to achieve peace and prosperity is to pursue a non-interventionist foreign policy.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

P.S.I will be guest-hosting a talk-radio show tomorrow (Wednesday). The show is Straight Talk w/Jerry Hughes, heard on the Accent Radio Network.

The topic will be Israel. What a significant plurality of Israelis believe about their own country, but what Americans don't hear from either political party, the mainstream media, or Christian media.
First up: Jeff Abood, Chair, Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation’s International Speakers Bureau (, is a repeated traveler to Palestine and is building links between the Christian communities there and here in the US.

Next: Kent White, Chair, Downsize DC Foundation, is a Florida business owner, with a deep interest in how Christians interpret prophetic scripture.       

Joining me for the entire hour: My pastor, Ken Weatherbee.

You can listen live at 4:07 PM Eastern (3:07 PM Central, 2:07 PM Mountain, and 1:07 PM Pacific).

To hear the show on the web, or to find a local station, visit the network's website.

Affiliates can be found in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Oregon.

You can also listen on your phone! Toll free at 1-386-524-0333.

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