Congressional Bloodlust

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4/18/2012 8:09:18 PM
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Congressional Bloodlust


Quote of the Day: "Fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are so full of doubts." -- Bertrand Russell

Several members of Congress, mainly Republicans, seem hell-bent on conflict with Iran.

It is up to YOU to tell them they don't have your consent.

You may borrow from or copy this letter...

I am pleased that talks with Iran are off to a good start. (

Some members of Congress want the talks to run aground. They think anything short of complete Iranian capitulation is failure. Many think a military attack by the U.S. or Israel is necessary, and more sanctions would draw them one step closer. (

What motivates these Congressional hardliners?

* Hatred of Iran dating back to the 1979 hostage crisis?
* Anti-Muslim bigotry?

If you're motivated by these reasons, you are simply not acting rationally and are unfit to serve.

Do you instead...

* Desire to use Israel as a "wedge" issue? (
* Want to score political points by appearing "tougher" than the President?

If so, you are unfit to serve because you would sacrifice the national interest for your political career.

Besides, your cynicism will likely backfire.

* 81% of Americans support direct diplomacy with Iran.
* 53% oppose military attacks EVEN IF there was evidence Iran was acquiring a nuclear weapon. (
* Neither U.S. intelligence nor the IAEA believe Iran has decided to acquire nuclear arms.
* Iran's supreme leader has issued fatwas against having and using nuclear weapons. (
* Strikes against Iran when there's no evidence of nuclear weapons acquisition would be a grievous crime.

In other words, you have NOTHING TO LOSE, politically, by supporting diplomacy. An attack on Iran, however, means the U.S., Israel, and the world will have a LOT to lose...

* Read these quotes by military leaders on the risks of air strikes:
* It is unlikely that all nuclear sites would be wiped out, and Iran's nuclear program would only be delayed, not destroyed.
* As former Mossad chief Meir Dagan explains, air strikes "would mean regional war, and in that case you would have given Iran the best possible reason to continue the nuclear program. The regional challenge that Israel would face would be impossible." (  
* Meaning the crisis will go on indefinitely, as will higher gas prices and a bad economy.

Let me be clear. You do NOT have my consent to...

* Pass more sanctions...
* Pass resolutions authorizing U.S. strikes
* Support Israeli strikes with our tax dollars
* Or otherwise undermine the President's diplomatic efforts.

Resist the hard-liners. Act in the national interest.

I will be watching what you do.



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Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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