Stop the Phony Diplomacy

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6/19/2012 12:01:51 PM
View user profile for BillBrews
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Stop the Phony Diplomacy


Talks with Iran resume today over its nuclear program.

A deal SHOULD be within reach. U.S. intransigence appears to be preventing it.

That's why I sent a letter to my politicians demanding No Conflict With Iran.

Please do so as well. You may borrow from or copy this...

Many in Congress, as well as powerful lobbies, want the Iran talks to fail. Even President Obama is afraid of making a deal. He fears political smears by these warmongering fanatics. (

That's why the P5+1 countries are demanding huge concessions from Iran while offering almost nothing in return. (

This is lunacy.

A common-sense agreement is probably in reach if Obama gives the green light...

* Iran agrees to end 20% uranium enrichment and to permit more inspections.
* In return Iran continues 3% enrichment and ALL SANCTIONS ARE LIFTED.

It is in your interest to support a deal.

Failed talks increase the likelihood of Israeli or U.S. strikes on Iran.

An attack would...

* create even more chaos and conflict throughout the region. Incalculable death and destruction could result.
* provoke a spike in oil prices. This would, once again, throw the U.S. and the world economy into turmoil.

Don't you know that Americans are tired of war?

In contrast, a deal will have immediate payoffs.

By lifting sanctions, increased trade and oil production will spur economic growth and create jobs.

Avoiding a war means Congress can stave off, for a period of time, the costs of U.S. Government bankruptcy.

Don't you want to take credit for economic growth, job creation, and heroic diplomacy?

I do NOT consent to a harsh policy with Iran. You can blame Iran, but honestly, it's U.S. Government policies that are a threat to regional stability.

Support REAL diplomacy. End sanctions. Support peace and prosperity.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

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Jim Babka
President, Inc.

T h e   D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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