Is "The Government" the Country?
By Perry Willis (286 words)
Some think that America's "government" IS America. Must you love your government if you love your country?
Think about places like the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Red China. Millions who lived under those criminal regimes hated their "governments" yet still loved their countries. From these cases, can you see how "the government" is NOT the same thing as the country?
The Zero Aggression Project wants to promote the following concept . . .
· The government is NOT the society, the nation, the culture, the people, the traditions, or the land.
· Instead, government is merely an institution, like Exxon, Microsoft, or the Boy Scouts.
Stated differently, the government is merely a service provider, like other institutions. And . . .
Service providers are supposed to serve, not rule.
A government, properly understood, is supposed to be below you, NOT above you.
In other words, people should STOP thinking of The State as some magical, mystical entity, and start thinking of it the same way they think of Kmart and Walmart.
People demand more as consumers than they do as voters. Fostering this mental switch is the key to profound social change.
Do these ideas make sense to you? Do you want to see them promoted, and widely adopted? Then please consider becoming a Founder of the Zero Aggression Project.
Remember these concepts . . .
· The government is NOT the country, the nation, the culture, or the society.
· Instead, government is merely a service provider, like Exxon or Microsoft.
· Service providers are supposed to serve, not rule.
· A government, properly understood, is supposed to be below you, NOT above you.
· This means that a government, properly understood, should never INITIATE violence.
You can become a Founder here.
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Perry Willis
The Zero Aggression Project
T h e D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
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