What if those who agree with you DID SOMETHING

This is where Downsize DC communications are to be posted. 

11/29/2012 6:27:26 PM
View user profile for BillBrews
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Ride Free, Ride Often

What if those who agree with you DID SOMETHING


Please consider forwarding the following open letter to people you know.

Dear Americans,

A Rasmussen poll indicates that a whopping 65% of Americans favor across-the-board spending cuts, including for national defense.

This amounts to a staggering 156 million Americans of voting age.

·         But how many of these people have shared this opinion with Congress?

·         And what if all 156 million of them did so?

·         Could Congress possibly stand against it?

Are we a nation of mouth artists? We'll energetically tell our friends what we think, but we say nothing to Congress directly. 

Is that because it's too hard? The truth is that it couldn't be easier . . .

Downsize DC provides a system you can use to write all of your representatives -- your House Rep and your two Senators -- all at once, with just one letter. Better yet...

·         It takes only a few minutes to provide the info your reps need to confirm that you're a constituent, and then . . .

·         You can use our system repeatedly, to send letter after letter on issue after issue, with almost no effort.

·         Each letter you send will only take a few keyboard clicks and moustrokes.

Even better, using our system gets you a subscription to our free email newsletter. That will give you sample letters you can cut and paste and send to Congress.

You won't have to do any original writing, or even typing, unless you really want to.

You may not agree with every stand we take, but that's not necessary either. Participate or not as you see fit.

Do you think you get too much email already, and you don't want more?

Look, you don't have to read our newsletter when you don't have time. Just delete it. Besides, most of our newsletters are shorter than 500 words! Some are shorter than 200!

And when you do have time to participate we make it super-easy. Plus . . .

Issuing instructions to Congress is far more important than voting.

Think about it . . .

Most people say that those who don't vote have no right to complain. But isn't that more true of people who fail to issue direct instructions to their Congressional employees? 

After all . . .

·         Some people refuse to vote because they think the choices are all evil.

·         But there's no such excuse for failing to communicate with Congress.

So what about you . . .

Are you one of the 156 million Americans who would like to see across-the-board spending cuts to balance the budget? If so, you might like a campaign we have to accomplish that.

It's a simple fact . . .

·         Congress could balance the budget immediately.

·         All it has to do is maintain the debt ceiling.

·         This will trigger across the board spending cuts and eliminate the deficit instantly.

You can issue this instruction to Congress using our "Cap The Debt" campaign. The hardwired letter to Congress for that campaign reads . . .

Do NOT raise the debt ceiling ever again.

I added the following personal comments (which you can borrow) when I sent my letter:

Don't raise taxes either. Tax increases are used to increase spending. They're NOT used to balance the budget or reduce the national debt. 

* When Reagan agreed to tax increases in 1986 the national debt continued to rise. 
* When the elder Bush agreed to tax increases in 1991 the same thing happened.

Don't try to scam us. We know the truth. Tax increases AREN'T used to balance the budget or reduce the national debt!

Instead, maintain the debt ceiling and you can balance the budget right now.


Send your letter to Congress using Downsize DC's Educate the Powerful System.

Then, forward this message to others. Ask them to send a protest to Congress too.

Thank you.

Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

T h e   D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

Reply to this message if you need help. We're eager to assist.

Forwarding or reprinting is encouraged so long as you retain the attribution and action links and do not edit.

DownsizeDC.org, Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. The Downsize DC Foundation exposes Statism and promotes human progress through voluntary association. Both are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202 521 1200. The Downsizer-Dispatch normally publishes four times per week.

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