URGENT: Are they spying on you?

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12/17/2012 5:53:44 PM
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Ride Free, Ride Often

URGENT: Are they spying on you?


Quote of the Day: "The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver." - Jay Leno

The warrantless wiretapping law will expire at the end of 2012, unless the Senate passes an extension.

That could happen tomorrow! 

You may think this law only affects terror suspects. But my letter below shows how it affects YOU.

Please tell Congress to let the warrantless spying law expire.

Use DownsizeDC.org's Hands off the Internet campaign.

The hardwired message says...

As a constituent, I insist that you oppose any attempts to undermine Internet freedom.

You may copy or edit these personal comments...

Do this by opposing extension of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act (FAA).

The FAA permits government agents to spy on my electronic communications whenever I contact someone abroad. No warrant is needed. This violates the Fourth Amendment.

Senator Merkley (http://shar.es/hbAzn) says Americans would be "appalled" if they knew the extent of the spying.

I am more than appalled. I am angry.

Those who have friends overseas must assume that federal agents have read their emails, listened to their calls, and monitored their browsing history. I deny my consent for these criminal actions.

Obey your oath to protect the Constitution. Restore the 4th amendment. Let the FAA expire.


You can send your letter using DownsizeDC.org's Educate the Powerful System.

Ask your friends to do the same.

James Wilson
Policy Research Director


T h e   D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

Reply to this message if you need help. We're eager to assist.

Forwarding or reprinting is encouraged so long as you retain the attribution and action links and do not edit.

DownsizeDC.org, Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. The Downsize DC Foundation exposes Statism and promotes human progress through voluntary association. Both are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202 521 1200. The Downsizer-Dispatch normally publishes four times per week.

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