Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood resigns.

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1/30/2013 7:11:47 AM
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Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood resigns.


MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
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13NR03 - MRF News Release - Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood resigns.

29 January 2013

Contact: Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood resigns.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports; Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the lone Republican in President Barack Obama's Cabinet, is leaving the administration.

The departure of LaHood is the latest of several changes in Obama's administration since the President won re-election in November. Secretary of State, Treasury, Defense, Interior and Labor have all been recently vacated.

Possible LaHood replacements include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Jim Oberstar, a former Democratic Congressman from Minnesota and chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

LaHood, 67, was named Transportation Secretary in January 2009. Before that, he served seven terms in the U.S. House as a representative from Illinois.

The MRF has always enjoyed a healthy, positive, working relationship with Mr. LaHood both during his term in the House and now as he served the White House.



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