Bikes on the Border 15 -16 March 2013

Event information.

2/7/2013 6:51:34 PM
View user profile for BillBrews
Total Posts 998
Ride Free, Ride Often

Bikes on the Border 15 -16 March 2013


This will be held at South of the Border. There is a $25 registration fee which pays for an event t-shirt and dinner on the 16th. You can register at  

Bikes at the Border

March 15th;


Abate of SC Hospitality suite                               7:00-Midnight


March 16th


Breakdown of CDC helmet study                      10:00-10:45


Accident scene preservation                              11:00-11:45


Lunch (on your own)


TBA 1:00-1:45


Know your rights during a traffic stop            2:00-2:45


Bikers Roundtable                                                 3:00 until


Rubber Chicken dinner                                        7:00 pm

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