Did Jim Babka Advocate Mob Rule?
by Jim Babka
for the Zero Aggression Project
Do you need to be ruled?
When I wrote on February 21...
· "Imagine There's No Congress?"
· When I suggested that you don't need a Congressman
...we got letters of anger or confusion. They asked if we were advocating...
· mob rule
· government by some sort of dope-smoking, hippie, drum-circle
Well, I wasn't championing direct democracy. After all, I wrote in that same article...
Is it safe to say there should be far less legislating?
The axiom we're building upon, in the entire series of recent articles, is the Zero Aggression Principle:
It's immoral to initiate harm against another or to delegate that task to others.
The State does many things it shouldn't. Most of the things Congress does are unconstitutional and in violation of natural law.
Remove Congress' ability to do criminal things and there's not much left.
If the Zero Aggression Principle is our guide, then...
it's immoral for anyone to tyrannize you,
whether they be in a distant capitol
or they're on the other side of town.
The Zero Aggression Project includes a bunch of fresh ideas, presented in an entirely new way, so there's still much ground for us to cover. Yet please let me be clear about one thing...
We don't need a Congress or a caucus of your neighbors, because...
You don't need to be ruled.
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DownsizeDC.org, Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. The Downsize DC Foundation exposes Statism and promotes human progress through voluntary association. Both are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202 521 1200. The Downsizer-Dispatch normally publishes four times per week.
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