A preview of our next software release

This is where Downsize DC communications are to be posted. 

3/7/2013 7:20:52 PM
View user profile for BillBrews
Total Posts 1043
Ride Free, Ride Often

A preview of our next software release


We're working to give you a functioning Zero Aggression website by the end of March. This new website will include...

·         New and improved polling software

·         A "Heuristics Page"

·         A tool you can use to discover people who already agree with you.

·         A tool you can use to track how people respond to your beliefs!

The Heuristics Page

Have you ever wanted a place you could send people for simple explanations of your beliefs? Our new Heuristics Page will give you that.

·         Imagine a page full of icons.

·         Click on an icon and you'll see a simple explanation of a powerful, life-changing idea.

·         Click on another icon and another idea will appear.

Your benefit?

·         You can use this page to help people think heuristically.

·         This will make them less vulnerable to the regime media and political con-men.

·         That's a big step toward getting more of what you want.

But that's not all...

What if you could gain the help of people who already agree with you?

There are already millions of people who agree with you on multiple issues, but...

·         You don't know who they are

·         And none of them are organized to help you cause the change you seek

Our next software release will solve both problems...

To discover people who agree with you, ASK THEM!


·         Emailing people simple poll questions

·         People click on an answer and get brought to the Zero Aggression website.

If they...

·         DISAGREE WITH THE ZAP POSITION then we share educational information.

·         AGREE WITH YOUR ZAP POSITION then we ask them to join us by signing a petition.

Think about how simple this approach is compared to writing Congress.

You get to...

·         QUICKLY discover people who already agree with you

·         EASILY recruit them to join you

PLUS, those who disagree will be exposed to counter-arguments based on powerful heuristics like the Zero Aggression Principle. And there's more. Imagine that you could...

·         Create your own Zero Aggression prospect list.

·         Email poll questions to the people on your list.

·         See the answers that come back

·         See how those who disagree revise their answers as they evaluate our counter-arguments.  

Can you see how the pieces fit together? Do you want these new tools?

We're working to give them to you by the end of March. We've hired two additional part time programmers and a new web-designer so we can deliver these new products quicker.  

We're betting that...

·         You'll like our new strategy and our new tools.

·         These new tools will help us grow

·         You'll help provide the funding to fuel our fast burn rate.

Our last report stated that we needed $16,000, above pledges, in 45 days.

We made some progress. So that number is now $15,081 in the remaining 39 days.

To help us meet our March-end delivery goal please make a tax-deductible contribution using our secure online form.

In addition, a board member and monthly pledger, Dan Fylstra, is offering to match your new monthly pledge. Here's how it works...

·         Make a new or increased, monthly, credit card pledge - using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover

·         Your new pledge will be multiplied by two months, then...

·         Matched by Dan, up to $1,500

Please help us take advantage of this. You can make your new or increased pledge using our secure online form. 

Thanks for your consideration.

Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project

T h e   D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

Reply to this message if you need help. We're eager to assist.

Forwarding or reprinting is encouraged so long as you retain the attribution and action links and do not edit.

DownsizeDC.org, Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. The Downsize DC Foundation exposes Statism and promotes human progress through voluntary association. Both are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202 521 1200. The Downsizer-Dispatch normally publishes four times per week.

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