Bikers Inside the Beltway 2013
Thursday May 16th, 2013 was the 4th annual Michael "Boz" Kerr Bikers Inside the Beltway event in Washington DC. The event, sponsored by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, is a national lobby day where motorcyclists come to Capitol Hill, meet with their elected officials and brief them on all issues affecting motorcyclists at the federal level.
This year’s event drew hundreds of motorcyclists from 22 States and riders met with almost 300 elected officials.
One of the top issues the attendees were lobbying for, was asking members of Congress to advance two bills. H.R. 1861which is a bill to prohibit Federal funding of "motorcycle only" roadside checkpoints and also H.R. 875, a bill that would halt the sale of E-15 fuel and conduct an independent study on the effects of the blend on internal combustion engines.
During the Congressional Panel portion of the day, the group of riders gathered in a Longworth House building congressional meeting room to hear from a select group of Members of Congress. Addressing the group was Congressmen Griffin (R-AR), the Motorcycle Safety Caucus Co Chair, Representative Jeff Denham (R-CA) and the House of Representatives Highway Subcommittee Chairman and longtime MRF Champion, Tom Petri (R-WI).
Representative Petri had this to say, "I commend you for being citizen lobbyists, we appreciate you being here in D.C., we take advantage of these visits, I support your call for reliance on personal responsibility-not mandates, and your call for Federal agencies to concentrate on their mission and live up to the their responsibility."
Thanks to all who attended and to those who helped support those who attended. This year was a tremendous success.
Photos from the event can be found at
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