Privacy Problems & Congressional Motorcycle Caucus
Privacy Problems
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that Representatives Michael Capuano (D-MA) and James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) are working together to protect your right to privacy while operating a motor vehicle.
Increasingly, today's vehicles come equipped with an "event data recorder" or "black box". The purpose of this equipment is to record what happens in the moments prior to a crash. Currently, there is no federal law that clarifies the rights of the vehicle owner to maintain ownership of the recorded data. The two members of congress have developed legislation that would keep the data recorded in the hands of the owner unless they give permission to access the data. The bill also requires dealers to "prominently disclose if the automobile or motorcycle is equipped with a black box and its capacities".
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has issued a formal warning that they intend to require all automobiles manufactured after September 1, 2014 be equipped with the black box.
The MRF fully supports this legislation. Please contact your member of congress and ask them to co-sponsor the Sensenbrenner / Capuano Black Box Privacy Protection Act.
You can reach the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121
Congressional Motorcycle Caucus
The House of Representatives has reformed the U.S. House Motorcycle Caucus. The returning co-chair, Dr. Michael Burgess (TX), is joined by new co-chair Tim Griffin (AR). Rep. Griffin is in his second term with the House and is an avid and excitable rider who recently addressed the Bikers Inside the Beltway attendees. The purpose of the caucus is not political, but rather a forum for motorcycle minded members of congress to develop legislation and serve as a sounding board for all things motorcycle related in the congress.
Currently the newly formed caucus has thirteen members:
Braley (IA)
Griffin (AR)
Burgess (TX)
Butterfield (NC)
Conway (TX)
Denham (CA)
Duncan (TN)
Forbes (VA)
Jones (NC)
Walberg (MI)
Walz (MN)
Call your member of congress and ask them to join this important group, as it is open to the entire House of Representatives.
The MRF looks forward to continuing to work with the motorcycle caucus.
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