13NR32 - MRF News Release - Federal Shut Down & Petri Lette

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10/9/2013 6:13:08 PM
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13NR32 - MRF News Release - Federal Shut Down & Petri Lette

MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 204 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) | http://www.mrf.org

13NR32 - MRF News Release - Federal Shut Down & Petri Letter

9 Oct. 2013

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Federal Shut Down & Petri Letter

The Federal government has been shut down for a full week now and no doubt you have seen images or personally been effected by the closure. The shutdown is really having an impact on Capitol Hill. Most of the congressional staff has been sent home with direct orders to not check or respond to emails and phone calls. Some of the staff have been deemed “essential” and are reporting for work. However, the staff that is working has been told to not work with staff from the other party or with any lobbyists. Essentially, everything is at a standstill, including the letter to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) written by Representative Tom Petri (WI), which was announced last week by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

Representative Petri has drafted a letter to the CDC asking them to no longer focus on motorcycle issues. In the letter Petri states, “Given the demands on your budget and the unique ability of the CDC to address such pressing issues as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other conditions, and issues which afflict millions of Americans and others around the globe, we encourage you to direct your attention and resources to areas that are not currently already being addressed elsewhere in the government.”

Petri is holding the letter to allow for other Members of Congress to co-sign the letter. The MRF had asked you to contact your elected officials and have them co-sign the Petri letter to the CDC and that is still the case. However, you may have difficulty reaching them and if you do, it’s likely that they will not be able to honor your request. The MRF is asking you to stay vigilant and once this shut down is over we will resume business as usual. With no clear end in sight it’s impossible to issue deadlines or timeframes for the letter.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will keep you informed on this issue.


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