Weekly Washington Wrapup 12-16-2014

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Weekly Washington Wrapup 12-16-2014


Motorcycle Riders Foundation http://motorcycleridersfoundation.wildapricot.org/







Washington Weekly Updates


December 16, 2014

Jeff Hennie, 
Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs
Motorcycle Riders Foundation


It is the last week of Congress, so there is a lot of action and at the same time none at all. You may recall the "cromnibus" that the Congress was working on: it passed. The Senate held a “rare as hens teeth” Saturday session to avoid shutting down the government. The House had passed the measure a few days earlier. The mammoth piece of legislation wrapped up 11 spending bills into one big package; this means that only two of the 13 spending bills received actual debate and a real live amendment process. Shame on you Congress. Spending $1.1 trillion dollars with a single stroke of the pen must be exhilarating for Mr. Obama, but it’s bankrupting our country. Personally, I don't think a government shutdown is all that bad - send the eurocrats home and save some money!

The House Oversight Committee held a hearing on the EPA's handling of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The committee findings are that the RFS needs to be changed to reflect the current fuel landscape. They determined that it’s far too difficult to find traditional, ethanol-free fuel. It was noted that some municipalities have no other option other than ethanol blends. The purpose of the RFS was to allow for the sale of ethanol, but at the same time, traditional fuels should be available as well. The Congress is likely to act on ethanol bills in the next Congress. The assumptions of the RFS have not come to fruition, and are likely to be addressed. In fact, during the hearing the committee specifically mentioned how the higher ethanol blends are damaging to motorcycles.

I expect the Senate Democrats to draw out adjournment as far as possible, as this is their last kick at the can and they have realized it. Senate Leader Harry Reid has already stated that he will not adjourn until all the pending nominations in the Senate have been confirmed. Senator Reid is using his waning power as Senate Leader to do President Obama’s bidding while he still has the nuclear option, meaning he can confirm nominations with a simple majority of 51 votes, rather then traditional 60. Senator Reid changed this rule earlier this year, since he simply did not have the needed 60 votes. Republicans, who will assume leadership of the Senate, have already signaled that they will change the rule back to the 60 votes needed, even though they do not have 60 Republican Senators.


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