Washington Wrapup Week Ending February 13, 2015

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Washington Wrapup Week Ending February 13, 2015


Motorcycle Riders Foundation http://motorcycleridersfoundation.wildapricot.org/







Washington Weekly Updates


February 13, 2015


This week saw a couple of firsts. The first hearing on the highway bill and the first SMRO lobby visit.

The House held its first hearing on the highway bill. It was, as you would expect, pointless. But I suppose thats a reasonable place to start since the highway bill is a blind beast that doesn’t even know what to do with itself. The hearing had DOT Secretary Foxx testifying on behalf of President Obama and his blueprint transportation bill, the GROW AMERICA act. or as you may know it the Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America. Worst bill name ever. The draft legislation is widely regarded as DOA by most in Congress, from both sides of the aisle. There will likely be many more hearing on this before anything substantive exists. Another long term extension is likely as current funding expires in May.

ABATE of Wisconsin came to D.C. for a quick lobby trip to meet their new members of congress and keep up relations with some the key players. We met with Mr. Sensenbrenner and he told us about his plan to release a “dear colleague” letter in reference to his stop motorcycle checkpoint bill that he intends to introduce some time this spring. The legislation will be identical to the legislation of last congress right down to the bill number! Mr Sensenbrenners staff has reserved H.R. 1861, the same number as last congress, again this congress. So remembering the bill number should not be a problem. Please ask your organizations to contact your members of congress and cosponsor S. 127 and H.R. 1861.

I received a phone call this week from a longtime member of the MRF. He requested that I ask you (the SMRO leaders) if anyone has any information about awareness messaging. Do any of your states keep data on how many lives are saved with messaging? For instance “share the road” or “look twice save a live” etc. So often our government uses studies against us or to defend there position. This particular state government is telling ABATE that the messaging doesn’t work because there is no data to back it up. Shoot me an email if can add any information to the mix.

Thanks, Jeff


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