Alerts and other info from the MRF
Bill Introduced to Curtail Profiling of Minnesota Motorcyclists
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
Bill to Curtail Profiling of Minnesota Motorcyclists
February 24, 2015
Bill Introduced to Curtail Profiling of Minnesota Motorcyclists
HF 59 was introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives. ABATE of Minnesota, working together with a large cross section of active motorcyclists, fully supports this bill and awaits action in the Minnesota Senate. Please contact Minnesota State Representative Tony Cornish, Chair of the Public Safety Committee at and ask him to allow this bill to have a hearing in his committee.
Questions? Contact: Todd @ 952-239-0929 or Mack @ 763-226-9195 (Talking points below)
Motorcyclists are frequently stopped by police as they travel simply because they ride a motorcycle or are wearing motorcycle riding apparel. Often these pretext stops are accompanied with the explanation that a traffic infraction has occurred, which is not always the case. In some cases people have been told they are violating a law that does not exist. In other cases the violation cited simply has not occurred. Motorcyclists come from all walks of life and most are law abiding citizens. They have their travel interrupted on their way to work, family events, meetings, church and other places. Motorcyclists should not be treated differently from other members of the transportation mix. Please support this legislation that assures chief law enforcement officers, at the state and local level, establish and enforce a written policy governing the conduct of peace officers engaged in stops of motorcycle riding citizens.
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