June 10, 2016 Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

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June 10, 2016 Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway


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Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway



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Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session.

Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx testifies in the Senate on the FAST Act… and Asked About Motorcycles by TWO Senators!

This week, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation convened a hearing concerning the implementation of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act or FAST Act. This is the highway bill that recently passed in Congress and contained provisions important to motorcyclists regarding the stopping of federal funding for motorcycle checkpoints and the reestablishment of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council.

Importantly, two U.S. Senators submitted “Questions for the Record” to Secretary Foxx, specifically inquiring as to the Department’s plan to identify participants for the Motorcyclist Advisory Council. Senator John Thune, the Chair of the Committee holding the hearing, submitted a question on behalf our organization with help from our friends in South Dakota.

In addition, Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska submitted the below language for the record:

Mr. Secretary, Section 1426 of the FAST Act reestablishes a Motorcyclist Advisory Council to coordinate with the U.S. DOT on infrastructure issues that could affect motorcyclists.  As you implement the FAST Act, do you plan to include participants from the full spectrum of available experts and stakeholders of different organizations?  

It is critical that the reestablished Council ensure that motorcyclists with professional expertise in national motorcyclist safety are represented from a variety of different organizations, as SAFETEA-LU required representation by various national and state motorcyclist associations, as well as representatives of the construction and safety industries that have experience on motorcycles.

Legally, the Department of Transportation is required to respond to this inquiry from Senator Sullivan and submit answers in writing. Your MRF staff and boots on the ground in Alaska will work to follow up with the Senator’s office when a response is issued.

The timing of the inquiry pairs nicely with ongoing efforts in the House of Representatives to issue a congressional sign on letter addressed to the Federal Highway Administration on the same issue. Stay tuned for more…

The MRF Testifies at an EPA Hearing Concerning Ethanol

Yesterday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a public hearing in Kansas City, MO concerning ethanol mandates. Stakeholders from both “PRO” and “ANTI” ethanol standpoints testified at the hearing which went on for several hours and incredibly, afforded over 120 people the opportunity to voice their opinion.

Speaking out over concerns on fuel containing higher blends of ethanol (E15, etc.) was the MRF’s own Amy Allmon who was also present as a part of the Freedom of Road Riders. Amy did a fantastic job communicating the MRF position encouraging the EPA to conduct new research specifically targeted towards motorcycle engines as well as the effects on internal combustion. She also cited concern over the lack of communication to consumers about the possible side effects of mis-fueling and possible effects on motorcycle warranties.

A big thank you to Amy who helped raise our concerns in front of EPA regulators. This issue will continue to draw big crowds as it remains a controversial one in Washington and beyond.

Megan’s Take: Concern Mounting Over Retaining GOP Majority In Senate

Flipping the TV channel to any of the major cable news networks could make one think the elections are tomorrow with the amount of coverage the Presidential nominees are getting. However the conditions in the Senate, despite not getting much national attention, will be critical to watch as well especially for the Republican party who must fight to protect 24 GOP-held seats whereas Democrats are only feeling the pressure on 10 seats. Who is the most vulnerable you might ask? Though it’s still early, rumors in Washington are circulating that Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois and Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin are two of the most vulnerable GOP Senators. Losses by either of these candidates could be a hit to the MRF. Senator Johnson has been especially helpful to motorcyclists over the years and played a critical role in putting a stop to the federal funding of motorcycle checkpoints.

Pundits continue to speculate calling this election, ‘the year of the outsider’ signifying that frustration over politics felt by many Americans will result in efforts to bring in new blood by those that haven’t been ‘tainted’ by the current D.C. political scene.

Numbers will fluctuate over the next few months and undoubtedly we will all be in for a few election day surprises. In the meantime, I am trying to keep my head down, but my chin up. Not an easy task!

Your Friend in Washington,

Megan Ekstrom

Vice-President of Government Affairs & Public Relations

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation



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