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Congressional Proposal Introduced Concerning Motorcycle Profiling
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For Immediate Release
July 14, 2016
Congressional Proposal Introduced Concerning Motorcycle Profiling
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WASHINGTON, DC– This week, Representatives Reid Ribble (R-Wisc.) and Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) jointly introduced a resolution concerning the profiling of motorcyclists. H.Res.831, formally titled, “Promoting awareness of motorcycle profiling and encourage collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling” was introduced and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
The bill defines the practice of motorcycle profiling and cites states which have addressed the issue at the local level. As with all simple resolutions, it expresses the sentiments of a chamber on a particular issue. In the case of H.Res.831, it also promotes increased public awareness on the issue and encourages collaboration, education and training for the motorcycle and law enforcement communities in order to end instances of profiling.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation, who have been advocating for a national solution to address concerns over profiling, will work over the coming months with states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders to advance the measure.
The bill can be found by clicking on the link below:
About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.
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