November 18, 2016 - Riding Free From DC - Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

Alerts and other info from the MRF

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November 18, 2016 - Riding Free From DC - Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway


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Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway



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Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session.


NEWS FROM THE HILL – The Lamest Lame Duck?

This week, lawmakers returned from a long break that started mid-September. And officially, they returned to what’s referred to as a ‘lame duck’. This means that, though replacements for both parties have already been elected, their term officially hasn’t started yet (nor will it until inauguration in January). So much of what is done between now and December 31st will be considered to be lame duck activities as we bide time until the 115th Congress is sworn in. There were a number of expectations that a laundry list of items could get checked off the list during lame duck, but Trump's surprising victory means expectations have been lowered as Republicans will wait to try and get a ‘better deal’ come January when they are in control of the House, the Senate and the Administration. The only must pass? Lawmakers face a Dec. 9 deadline for keeping the government running, but senior leaders plan to move a continuing resolution (CR) in the lame duck that will fund the government into early next year, perhaps March or April. Doing a CR would give Trump and the GOP-led Congress maximum control in the government funding fight come next year.

Another area that’s been picking up steam? Talk over what to do about ethanol. With Republicans gaining complete control of the federal government, anti-ethanol groups are reinvigorating their efforts to convince Congress to kill at least the corn ethanol portion of the Renewable Fuel Standard (if not the entire program). Specifically, Smarter Fuel Future, a coalition that the MRF is a part of, has started running ads and making more noise about how RFS's ethanol mandates are bad for the environment. Though it’s highly unlikely that either the pro- or anti-ethanol movement will advance before the end of the year, it’s already priming up to be a big issue come 2017.


Though Congress has been out during recess, work hasn’t stopped for our federal agencies. The Department of Transportation (DoT) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have been toiling away and a large focus has been what to do about driverless vehicles. Last week, NHTSA held its first public workshop on the issue of automated vehicles, soliciting input from the public on the guidance document that was published in September. Your MRF was represented at the NHTSA meeting and will be present as the Agency continues to move forward with a number of public meetings in 2017 on the issue. Generally speaking, automakers and manufacturers of autonomous vehicles have encouraged NHSTA to move forward, clearing any obstacles to getting these vehicles on the road and cautioned NHTSA to not do anything that would delay technology development. The MRF’s comments aligned closest with that of many safety advocacy groups; a strange bedfellow for us! Like these groups, the MRF has urged the Agency to move forward cautiously in order to ensure robust, rigorous and enforceable regulations are in effect surrounding these self-driving vehicles with particular emphasis as to the effects on other road users, i.e. bikers.

Your MRF has picked up rumblings that EPA may soon release the 2017 volume requirements for the Renewable Fuel Standard which concerns the amount of ethanol in the nation’s fuel supply. The final volumes are expected to increase to more than the 14.8 billion gallons proposed in May, roughly in line with increased U.S. gasoline consumption. However, the big question is whether the requirement for conventional biofuels like ethanol hits the 15-billion-gallon figure required by Congress and much desired by ethanol groups. Your MRF will be watching closely and will provide analysis when this is announced. 


Long Island ABATE, an independent organization that is focused on projects and legislation that pertain specifically to Long Island motorcyclists, has been involved in a number of traditional and non-traditional activities regarding ridership and motorcycle rights. Recently, I had a chance to sit down with a representative from the organization and hear more about some of the interesting things LI ABATE has been up to.

In addition to charitable exercises, (LI ABATE raised a significant amount of money for a local chapter of Vietnam Veterans’ of America and held a recent Food & Toy Run), they have also started a unique approach to show support for their biker brothers that are victims of right of way violations and other traffic crashes. As a strategy to demonstrate support for victims and to show a united front, members of LI ABATE and others will often make a presence at judicial hearings and sentencing hearings where a biker has been made a victim by a careless driver. Anywhere from 2-12 bikers may show up for these events and judges have begun to take notice. Doing this demonstrates not only a united front and concern for these types of issues, it makes others sit up and take notice – cars must learn to share the road with motorcycles! LI ABATE should be commended for this unique and different approach from traditional advocacy activities when it comes to bikers’ rights. 

Another initiative and priority that the organization is involved in is rider education. While this is certainly not a new phenomenon, LI ABATE takes a somewhat different look at driver education in suggesting that even advanced riders should continue their motorcycle education and training. Undoubtedly, new riders have the most to learn from motorcycle training and education courses, LI ABATE also wants those who may think they are experts on their bikes to realize they could use some training every now and again too! They have partnered with a local organization to offer discounted prices for riders interested in beginner and advanced training courses.

The above is just a fraction of some of the interesting activities LI ABATE is involved with – keep up the great work!


From now until mid-January, we’ll be replacing the “Election News” section with Presidential Transition news as President-Elect Trump prepares to take office. Almost daily, new rumors and rhetoric are circulating from Trump insiders on what his picks might be for the Presidential Cabinet positions. Interestingly and of note, Martin Whitmer is currently serving as the Trump transition team's point person for transportation and infrastructure policy. Whitmer is a lobbyist at Whitmer & Worrall, where he is the head of the transportation and infrastructure practice. Though it’s unclear whether Whitmer is up for consideration for Secretary of Transportation, what is clear is that he will have a strong hand in shaping the direction of our future federal Department of Transportation (DoT).

Another name that’s been circulating as a potential DoT Secretary pick? Congressman John Mica from Florida who recently lost his reelection to newcomer Stephanie Murphy. Mica reportedly has been making the hard sell on why he should get the gig. Another name that might be in the running? Mark Rosenker, a former NTSB chairman under President George W. Bush who has worked in several GOP administrations.

Another name that is reportedly on the inside track with the Trump Administration and transportation policy is former Virginia DOT secretary Shirley Ybarra. She has been identified as the person assigned to taking a hard look at federal DoT and rumor has it she is focused on briefing Trump on where the current Agency is headed.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd, we’re back! We’ve had a significant break from the weekly updates due to the Congressional recess that has been in effect since the end of September. Nonetheless, work has continued behind the scenes here at your MRF headquarters in Washington. We have been sharply focused on DoT and the EPA, with a special ear to the ground on what regulations the agencies will no doubt try and jam through before the end of the Obama Administration. And as you read in the above sections, DoT is hard at work trying to address self-driving vehicles. Your MRF has been “all up in their business” along the way!

The other behind-the-scenes project we have been focused on is increasing the value proposition for our members including SMROs, clubs and of course, our individual riders. After much discussion and contemplation at the Board level, we are only weeks away from rolling out two new programs that will help you not only be a better advocate and be more connected with your lawmaker, but also allow you the ability to track in real time what the state legislatures will be doing next year on motorcycle issues. Continue to watch for announcements on these projects with opportunities for training and familiarization on the way.

 Your Friend in Washington,

Megan Ekstrom

Vice-President of Government Affairs & Public Relations
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation



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About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.



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