Let's Welcome New & Returning Lawmakers to the 115th Congress

Alerts and other info from the MRF

1/26/2017 6:10:12 PM
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Ride Free, Ride Often

Let's Welcome New & Returning Lawmakers to the 115th Congress

MRF Friends, Supporters and Partners:


This month, the 115th Congress gaveled into session after the general election in which the country chose a new President, Vice-President as well as a new class of lawmakers.


These early days of the newly indoctrinated Congress will serve critical for you to have your voice heard about the issues you care about. No doubt, Congress will struggle with what to do about policies that affect your right to ride.


Let’s start the year off strong by sending your newly elected President, Vice-President, Senators and Congressmen a message outlining the motorcycle community's legislative agenda. Now is the time to have your voice heard!


Simply click on the link below and follow the prompts to send an already drafted letter welcoming this new class of lawmakers and letting them know what issues we care about. All you need to provide is your name and address and the rest will be filled out for you with the option for you to edit as you see fit:




Let's Welcome New & Returning Lawmakers to the 115th Congress & Let Them Know What We Are All About! And please  - SPREAD THE WORD AND FORWARD THIS EMAIL!


Megan J. Ekstrom

Vice-President, Government Affairs & Public Relations

Motorcycle Riders Foundation

1325 G Street N.W. Suite 500

Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone:  (202) 725-5471

Fax:  (202) 546-0986


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