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MRF Friends, Supporters and Allies:
We are ONE MONTH out from our 10th Annual Bikers Inside the Beltway Event. And this is your very last chance to tell us you are coming. Registration CLOSES Friday, April 13.
Why are we closing registration? We have A LOT going on this year – new materials, fresh leave-behinds, a Virtual Reality Motorcycle Event with the Motorcycle Caucus, a post-event reception and debrief where our Legislative Champion Tim Walberg will be attending….and we need to finalize our head count. If you haven’t registered, we will be unable to accommodate you.
Yesterday, a communication went out to all of our registered attendees providing them with contact information for their elected officials. If you didn’t receive this email, that means you are not registered to attend.
So – last call, last chance, final and fair warning: This is YOUR LAST CHANCE to register to attend Bikers Inside the Beltway on May 14 & 15 in Washington, D.C.
You can register by clicking on this link: https://mrf.org/events/
Or call the office directly: 202-546-0983
We also want to announce that we have event t-shirts available to commemorate the 10th Annual Bikers Inside the Beltway. Shirts are available for purchase but must be ordered by Wednesday, April 25th. You can order by emailing mrfoffice@mrf.org or calling the office at 202-546-0983. Not able to attend Bikers Inside the Beltway? We can ship them to you for $5 more.
You can choose between a black short sleeve shirt with gray lettering or a gray short sleeve shirt with black lettering. Shirts are $20 and will be available for pick up during the prep session on Monday evening.
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Megan J. Ekstrom
Vice-President, Government Affairs & Public Relations
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
2221 S. Clark Street, 11th Floor
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: (202) 725-5471