Week of June 28, 2019 - RIDING FREE FROM DC-Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

Alerts and other info from the MRF

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Ride Free, Ride Often

Week of June 28, 2019 - RIDING FREE FROM DC-Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway


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Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session.



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Capitol Hill Update

Heavy Hearts
The news late last week from New Hampshire regarding the death of 7 motorcyclists was devastating. We at the MRF express our thoughts and prayers to the friends of families of all those involved. We pray that those still in the hospital fully recover.  It is important that the focus now is on those that are grieving and how we as a community move forward after such a high-profile tragic event.

This most recent tragedy, like the Tama Valley incident in Iowa from 2003, is a stark reminder we must discourage distracted driving. All news reports on the New Hampshire incident point to fault lying with the driver of the truck. Now is not a time for regulators and the media to push a narrative regarding what the riders could have done differently or how safety gear and apparel would have changed this senseless tragedy. The investigation should center on the facts of this specific incident and those responsible should be held accountable.

We thank both the good Samaritans and first responders for their selfless courage and dedication in attending to the victims. As we move into the summer riding season, please look out for our fellow brothers and sisters on the road, take a moment to reflect on how precious our safety and freedom actually is.

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4th of July
There are few guarantees in the world of politics, but one thing is certain, politicians will be out in full force on the 4th of July break at parades, picnics, and BBQs. As you gather with family and friends to celebrate this great nation keep your eyes peeled for your local Congressman or Senator shaking hands and talking to voters.

There is no better day than Independence Day to introduce yourself to your lawmakers and discuss issues of importance to you. Among the rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution is the right to petition your government. Be visible, be vocal and let your elected official know that you are a motorcyclist that is paying attention and engaged in the political process.

50 and Counting
This week we surpassed a milestone when we added our 50th cosponsor to H. Res 255, the motorcycle profiling resolution. As of Friday morning, we stand at 52 cosponsors. Thank you to all that have helped in the effort to drive cosponsors to this resolution. Click here to see if your Congressman has signed on.

Your Team in D.C. Tiffany & Rocky

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation



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About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.



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