For Immediate Release - November 25, 2019 - The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Executes Strategic Alignment

Alerts and other info from the MRF

11/26/2019 6:48:53 AM
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For Immediate Release - November 25, 2019 - The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Executes Strategic Alignment

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For Immediate Release

November 25, 2019

<span data-preserver-spaces="true">The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Executes Strategic Alignment


The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) Board of Directors is pleased to announce we have renewed our Governmental Affairs Consulting Agreement with Husch Blackwell Strategies (HBS) for another year.  We will continue to be represented by lobbyist William “Rocky” Fox of HBS.

Tiffany Cipoletti, formerly the MRF’s Director of Operations, will now serve as our Director of Government Relations. In her new role, she will focus on carrying out the MRF’s Legislative Strategy, provide support for our national motorcyclists’ lobby day held annually in May known as Bikers Inside the Beltway, she will also remain the Editor of our magazine, the American Bikers Journal.

To maintain focus on our legislative imperatives, we have decided to move our offices into HBS office space located inside the Congressional beltway.

Consistent with our desire to have the Washington D.C. Operation focus on our legislative strategy we have entered into an administrative contract with JPK Services.

JPK services will be responsible for membership services, day to day accounting, provide phone services, and support Bikers Inside the Beltway and Meeting of the Minds.

The MRF’s phone and e-mails will not change, our mailing address will now be:
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation
P.O. Box 250
Highland, IL 62249.

MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard stated that this has been in the works for some time and he commended the MRF Board of Directors in having the wisdom to align our D.C. resources to maintain sole focus on our legislative activities while improving member services, the administration of the MRF, and importantly in a cost-effective structure through an independent contractor.


About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.


All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved. Ride With The Leaders ™ by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983
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