Motorcycle Fatalities Decline for the Third Year

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5/9/2020 8:22:44 AM
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Motorcycle Fatalities Decline for the Third Year




<span data-contrast="auto">Motorcycle Fatalities Decline for the Third Year 

<span data-contrast="auto">The<span data-contrast="auto"> National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) re<span data-contrast="auto">leased<span data-contrast="auto"> the “Early Estimate of<span data-contrast="auto"> Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities in 2019<span data-contrast="auto">,<span data-contrast="auto">” where the preliminary numbers show that motorcycle fatalities decreased 1% from 2018 to 2019.  The early estimated from the <span data-contrast="auto">Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)<span data-contrast="auto"> shows that 36,120 people died on our nation’s roadways in 2019.  Overall, this represents a 1.2% decrease from 2018<span data-contrast="auto">,<span data-contrast="auto"> while Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) increased<span data-contrast="auto"> by<span data-contrast="auto"> 0.9% during this time. <span data-contrast="auto">Fatalities decreased in most major traffic safety categories: Drivers (down 3%)<span data-contrast="auto">, <span data-contrast="auto">Passengers (down 4%)<span data-contrast="auto">, <span data-contrast="auto">Motorcyclists (down 1%)<span data-contrast="auto">, <span data-contrast="auto">Pedestrians (down 2%)<span data-contrast="auto">, and <span data-contrast="auto">Pedalcyclists<span data-contrast="auto"> (down 3%)<span data-contrast="auto">. <span data-contrast="auto">You can download NHTSA’s full Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities in 2019 here

<span data-contrast="auto">“Safety is our top priority so this report that traffic fatalities appear to have decreased again for the third year is great news,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.<span data-contrast="auto">  The U.S. DOT and NHTSA remain committed to reducing motor vehicle fatalities.  In February 2020, NHTSA released over <span data-contrast="auto">$<span data-contrast="auto">562 million in grants for highway safety programs<span data-contrast="auto"> that w<span data-contrast="auto">ere<span data-contrast="auto"> appropriated through the current Highway Authorization, known as the FAST ACT,<span data-contrast="auto"> to the Offices of Highway Safety<span data-contrast="auto"> in all fifty states and U.S. territories. 

<span data-contrast="auto">“We know that most of the 36,560 roadway fatalities in 2018 related to behavioral issues such as speeding, alcohol and drug-impaired driving, distraction, motorcycle safety, and seat belt usage. The grants we’re announcing today will help our partners in state and local law enforcement and other transportation officials enforce their highway laws and educate the public so that our roads will be safer for everyone,” said NHTSA Acting Administrator James Owens.<span data-contrast="auto"> In <span data-contrast="auto">the <span data-contrast="auto">fiscal year 2020, NHTSA awarded $4.2 million in motorcycle safety grants to 43 states and one territory.  You can see the full break down of what your state was awarded here<span data-contrast="auto">.  

<span data-contrast="auto">The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is continuing to engage with Congress about the priorities of motorcyclists for the next Highway authorization.  The FAST Act is set to expire in 146 days<span data-contrast="auto">,<span data-contrast="auto"> and as of today, neither chamber of Congress has drafted legislation for the next five-year authorization.  If you want to review any of our legislative priorities, you can read our 2020 legislative Agenda here (<span data-contrast="none"><span data-ccp-charstyle="Hyperlink"><span data-contrast="auto">). 






About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

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