What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

Alerts and other info from the MRF

7/19/2020 9:10:13 AM
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What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?





What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

After the repeal of the federal mandatory helmet law in the mid 1970s, and a vein attempt to start a national bikers’ rights organization -- A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments – many fledging state motorcyclist rights organizations took the ABATE name but focused on the matter at hand – modifying state mandatory helmet laws.

By the mid 1980s, a handful of motorcyclists’ rights activists, led by Michael “Balls” Farabaugh from ABATE of Indiana, decided that it was time to hold a “meeting of the minds.” Joining Balls on the original Meeting of the Minds Steering Committee were Jim Baker - Utah, Bill Durning – California, Bill Gannon – Massachusetts, Clay Johnson - Iowa, Nancy Lewis - New York, Sundance Mitchell -Texas, Rob Rasor - Ohio, Lee Richardson - Georgia, Jim Rhoades - Michigan, Howard Segermark - Maryland, and Linda Stewart - Florida.

With backgrounds deeply entrenched in the early days of biker right and freedom rallies, these men and women knew there were others across the U.S. with similar backgrounds and they reached out to find us.

What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

It’s time to learn about the early days of the MRF and see how we have transcended egos, lack of funding, and a never-ending siege against our rights, our motorcycles and our lifestyles. We held true to our beliefs, compromised without surrendering our rights, and have endured 35 years! Use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Hotel info is on the same site.

Meet legendary freedom fighters like Mark Buckner & Charlie Umbenhaur and new activists like Rocky Fox and Cathy Brush. Meet the future of motorcyclists’ rights as you’re introduced to this year’s Young Activist.

What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

In the mid-eighties most of us were no older than this year’s Young Activists Award recipients and yet we were not daunted by a “bunch of old bikers.” We came together in a cheap hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, and built lasting friendships, began the framework for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and were undeterred by the naysayers.

What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

By 1989 we faced another federal mandatory helmet law. We faced a total ban on “super bikes”, a ban on motorcycles in HOV lanes… and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation was barley two years old! It may go against conventional wisdom, however, as it is sometimes said, “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend”

What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

The Legend”? The shirt off the back of an MRF board member auctioned to a lady from Arkansas for $1,500.00!! And… another $300.00 thrown in for good measure for the limited-edition tie from the MRF V.P. of Government Relations!!! Yeah, that’s the fact. “The Legend”? A silver ring -- the center of a live auction bidding frenzy by two MRF board members, and when it was discovered there were two rings, the bid losing board member ponied up and bought the second ring for the auction price – well over $500.00!!

What’s this “Meeting of the Minds” & how’d it get started?

The Meeting of the Minds has survived 35 years. It has survived disharmony in the ranks. It has survived a budget so thin it looked liked mayonnaise on white bread. And now… we’ve endured the lockdown. We social distanced. And the MRF has never forgotten why we were founded – to advocate and protect the rights of all motorcyclists.

The 2020 Meeting of the Minds provides you with the tools to help protect your rights, your motorcycle and your lifestyle!!! Use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Hotel info is on the same site.

See you in Indianapolis!!!




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