Meeting of the Minds 2020 Who?

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8/13/2020 6:51:29 AM
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Meeting of the Minds 2020 Who?






Meeting of the
Minds 2020

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Meeting of the Minds 2020 – Who? The past & the future of motorcyclists’ rights advocacy, that’s who!

The idea for the Meeting of the Minds didn’t just come out of thin air. The idea had its roots in failed attempts to bring bikers together in the seventies. It took determination, dedication and a willingness to trust each other before it could come to fruition and evolve into the Motorcycle Rider Foundation. Use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Call 317-767-4769 for Hotel reservations.

By the mid-1980s, a handful of motorcyclists’ rights activists, led by Michael “Balls” Farabaugh from ABATE of Indiana, decided that it was time to hold a “meeting of the minds.” Joining Balls on the original Meeting of the Minds Steering Committee were Jim Baker - Utah, Bill Durning – California, Bill Gannon – Massachusetts, Clay Johnson - Iowa, Nancy Lewis - New York, Sundance Mitchell -Texas, Rob Rasor - Ohio, Lee Richardson - Georgia, Jim Rhoades - Michigan, Howard Segermark - Maryland, and Linda Stewart - Florida.

With backgrounds deeply entrenched in the early days of bikers’ rights and freedom rallies, these men and women knew there were others with similar backgrounds, and they reached out to find us. In September 1985, a few more than a hundred of us met, many for the first time, in a cheap hotel in St. Louis, Missouri.

Today, that handful of bikers has grown to touch all corners of the U.S. From “just talking” when we met at the first Meeting of the Minds, the successors of that early group are now making strategic plans for the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights advocacy.

The MRF is now known for information intensive workshops conducted by knowledgeable freedom fighters like Mark Buckner and Charlie Umbenhauer, both members of the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame. Meet new activists like Rocky Fox and Cathy Brush; although new to motorcyclists’ rights, they bring to us years of experience in their respective fields of government relations and communications. Meet Skinny Bob Clifford and Grizzly Dave Monroe, with ways to show you how to better use electronic tools. Meet Haile Farmer and Christopher Beals, recipients of the MRFAE Young Activists Scholarships; they are the future of motorcyclists’ rights activism. You’ve met the past, present and future who’s who of the MRF and the Meeting of the Minds Use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Call 317-767-4769 for Hotel reservations. See you in Indianapolis!!!




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