Motorcycle Riders Foundation Meeting of the Minds Conference -- Moving Forward to Protect the Future of Motorcycling and Motorcyclists’ Rights!

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8/26/2023 8:23:23 AM
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Motorcycle Riders Foundation Meeting of the Minds Conference -- Moving Forward to Protect the Future of Motorcycling and Motorcyclists’ Rights!




Motorcycle Riders Foundation Meeting of the Minds Conference -- Moving Forward to Protect the Future of Motorcycling and Motorcyclists’ Rights!



The Meeting of the Minds conference is where it all began and it’s where motorcyclists’ rights activists meet to experience tailormade workshops addressing issues facing motorcyclists today. It’s where motorcyclists’ rights activists can get up-to-date information on issues relating to the attacks against motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s annual Meeting of the Minds conference will reflect that the MRF listens to our members, partner state motorcyclists’ rights organizations, and motorcycle clubs. MRF members and the motorcycling world know that the MRF is making a difference and moving forward – on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures--to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights.

The success of this year’s Bikers Inside the Beltway was the result of what the MRF shares at the Meeting of the Minds. Keeping our members and partner SMROs informed and on point is what makes the Motorcycle Riders Foundation the foremost motorcyclists’ rights advocacy group in the nation.

Listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling, this year’s Meeting of the Minds conference features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a host of new topics added to the mix!

The MRF’s legislative agenda represents the collective interests of the nation’s owners of 8.6 million registered street motorcycles, and it is a direct result of the input provided by Meeting of the Minds attendees.

The Meeting of the Minds–presenters who live and breathe motorcyclists’ rights, topical workshops that have real-world applications for protecting the future of motorcycling –The Motorcycle Riders Foundation--Since 1987 the MRF has been the only national motorcyclists’ rights organization dedicated to on-street riders with full-time representation in Washington, D.C.!

Motorcyclists’ rights and motorcycling safety have been interwoven since the time when motorcyclists’ rights advocates were accused of only caring about the modification of mandatory helmet laws. Dispelling those accusations, Ron Braaksma and Lane Trippet, representing MRF Awareness & Education, will present workshops on motorcycling safety and riding skills.

The burden of keeping the voice of motorcycling heard before Congress, regulatory agencies, and state legislatures is shouldered by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. The activists who attend the Meeting of the Minds conference take home a wealth of information to help strengthen the collective voices of all street riding motorcyclists.

Nearly fifty years ago, the burden of freedom was lifted in the quest to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights when a biker from New Hampshire and his wife founded one of the nation’s first SMROs–NHMRO–New Hampshire Motorcyclists Rights Organization. Sherman Packard rose from “just another biker fighting for our rights” to become the New Hampshire Speaker of the House of Representative and the MRF is honored to have “Mr. Speaker” Sherman Packard sharing his years of experience as the 2023 Meeting of the Minds keynote speaker.

Bikers Inside the Beltway, Meeting of the Minds – the Motorcycle Riders Foundationlistening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights!

The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24, Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Use the QR codes below to register and make reservations or call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds.






Thank you for your support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. We look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds, September 21-24, 2023.

Yours in Freedom,


Fredric Harrell

MRF Director of Conferences & Events

P.S. Hotel rooms are available and going fast, confirm your plans now, register with the MRF, and use the QR codes to make hotel reservations early for the Meeting of the Minds 2023. Thank you.




About Motorcycle Riders Foundation

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved. Ride With The Leaders ™ by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983

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