The MRF “Road Show” is on the road all year long...

Alerts and other info from the MRF

9/22/2023 6:46:03 AM
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The MRF “Road Show” is on the road all year long...




Last week was a busy week for the MRF “Road Show”...

Beginning in Ohio, President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard and Vice-President Jay Jackson attended the Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the American Motorcyclist Association Museum. MRF State Rep Sherry Hill and folks from ABATE of Ohio set up a membership table at the AMA’s Bike Night on Saturday. AMA hosted a Road Captain training that was attended by ABATE of Arizona, ABATE of Indiana, ABATE of Michigan and ABATE of Ohio on Sunday.









This series of events also allowed facilitation of a meeting between the MRF President and representatives from the Federation Internationale De Motorcylisme (FIM) out of Switzerland and a member of the Board of Directors from the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA) out of Belgium. The topics of concern were End of Life Directives related to motorcycles, European and United Nations activities surrounding internal combustion engines and electric vehicle mandates. We also discussed the issues surrounding motorcycle parts certification and availability of parts. The timing was ideal as it allows this information to be disseminated in real time at the Meeting of the Minds this week in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 

The State Motorcycle Safety Association (SMSA) held their annual Summit in Columbus, Ohio September 13th through 16th. State motorcycle rights organizations from Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and others were in attendance to learn the latest statistics, trends and issues related to motorcycle safety. MRF Vice President Jay Jackson presented “Promising Practices in Rider Training” as part of an alliance with six other states. The 2024 Summit will be held in Denver, Colorado.





The week ended with the MRF President and Russell Radke, the MRF Motorcycle Club Representative to the MRF Board, attending the National Council of Clubs meeting in Dayton, Ohio. The highlights were participating in an update of the Motorcycling Profiling Project which has played a very important role in our collective motorcycle anti-profiling successes. We also had an opportunity to share strategic updates on our legislative agenda and provide an update on the concerns we share regarding the future of motorcycling to a crowded room of motorcycle club members.



About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved. Ride With The Leaders ™ by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983
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