Who is GHSA?

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4/19/2011 8:10:22 PM
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Who is GHSA?


Governors Highway Safety Association

What is GHSA?

GHSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit representing the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement programs to address behavioral highway safety issues.


Through GHSA leadership, partnerships and advocacy, States and Territories move toward zero deaths on the nation’s roadways.


GHSA provides leadership and advocacy for the States and Territories to improve traffic safety, influence national policy, enhance program management and promote best practices.


  1. Promote traffic safety as a national priority
  2. Expand and deliver member support services
  3. Develop new and strengthen existing partnerships
  4. Ensure sufficient resources to support association services
    and priorities


GHSA Executive Board

GHSA is governed by an Executive Board consisting of officers as well as representatives and alternates from the 10 NHTSA regions.

Officers are elected by the membership and serve a term of one year. There can also be up to five at-large members.

2010-2011 GHSA Executive Board



Vernon F. Betkey, Jr., Maryland

Vice Chairman

Troy E. Costales, Oregon


Terry Henderson, Alabama


John Saunders, Virginia

Past Chairman

Christopher J. Murphy, California


Dan Lonsdorf, Wisconsin


Kendell Poole, Tennessee


Lowell Porter, Washington State


Peter Thomson, New Hampshire



Regional Representatives





Lauren Stewart, Maine

Sheila Burgess, Massachusetts


Chuck DeWeese, New York



Jana Simpler, Delaware

Boyd T. Sigler, Kentucky


Terry Henderson, Alabama

Phil Riley, South Carolina


Michael Prince, Michigan

Dan Lonsdorf, Wisconsin


John LeBlanc, Louisiana



Pete Bodyk, Kansas

Fred Zwonechek, Nebraska


Traci Pearl, Nevada

Karin Mongeon, North Dakota


Christopher J. Murphy, California

Alberto Gutier, Arizona


Troy E. Costales, Oregon

Lowell Porter, Washington State




GHSA has two types of members: State Highway Safety Offices (SHSO) and Associate Members.

State Highway Safety Office (SHSO) Members: http://www.ghsa.org/html/links/shsos.html

GHSA's primary members are State Highway Safety Offices (SHSO) that develop and implement state-level highway safety programs. SHSOs pay annual dues to GHSA based on a flat fee as well as a proportional formula that considers state population.

State and territorial governors appoint SHSO directors, who are often referred to as Governors' Representatives – or GRs. These GRs and their designated Highway Safety Coordinators make up the core GHSA membership.

Associate Members: http://www.ghsa.org/html/about/assoc_members.html



Former Governor's Representatives or Coordinators who aren't eligible for small business or corporate

Cecilia Alsobrook

 Susan N. Bryant, LeaderServices

Nancy J. Luther  

 Joe R. McDonald  

Thomas M. McGovern, Ph.D.

Betty Mercer, Mercer Consulting Group LLC


Small Business

Companies with three or fewer employees, including individual consultants

3 Keys to Keeping Your Teen Alive

Advantage Interlock

Deep River LLC

Digital Ally, Inc.

Driver Safety Program Development

The GoodDrivRCompany

Heads Up! Safety, Inc.

Highway Safety North

The Horn Law Firm, P.C.

Interactive Testing & Training Systems, Inc. (ITTS)

Keep Kids Alive Drive 25

The Kittle Group

KLS Engineering, LLC

Law Enforcement Mobile Video Institute, Inc. (LEMVI)

The Reflectory


Sprattler Group

Street Smarts Interactive, LLC

Traffic Tim - A Division of TCN, Inc.

Youth Accident Prevention Program


Tax Exempt

501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations with more than three employees

Beer Institute

The Century Council

Driving School Association of the Americas

Institute of Police Technology & Management (IPTM)

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)

Make Roads Safe/FIA Foundation


Meharry Medical College

Mobile County Commission

Motorcycle Safety Foundation

National Alliance/Motivational Media Assemblies

National Association of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators (SMSA)

National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (NAWHSL)

National Road Safety Foundation, Inc. (NRSF)

Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation (PIRE)


Roadway Safety Foundation

SADD, Inc.

SAFE KIDS Worldwide

TEAM Coalition, Inc.

Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF)

University of Central Missouri

Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. (WSWA)



Companies with more than three employees

3M Company


Accident Support Services International, Ltd.

All Traffic Solutions

American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)

American Traffic Solutions

Brunet-Garcia Advertising, Inc.

Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

CMI, Inc.


Draeger Safety Diagnostics, Inc.


Innocorp, Ltd. - Makers of Fatal Vision

inthinc Technology Solutions

Intoximeters, Inc.

obdEdge LLC

Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA)

Smart Start, Inc.

Takata, Inc.

Virtual Driver Interactive, Inc.


2010 Annual Meeting Sponsors (Platinum & Gold Levels)

By sponsoring the 2010 GHSA Annual Meeting at the Platinum or Gold level, these companies recieve one year of GHSA associate membership.

Allstate Foundation Teen Driving Program

Ford Motor Company Fund

LifeSafer Interlock, Inc.

Nationwide Insurance

Nissan North America, Inc.

State Farm® Insurance Companies

Toyota Motor Sales

Volvo Cars of North America



Membership Categories

Emeritus - $100

Former Governor's Representatives or Highway Safety Coordinators who aren't eligible for small business or corporate

Small Business - $250

Companies with three or fewer employees, including individual consultants

Corporate - $750

Companies with more than three employees

Nonprofit - $500

Applicants must include an IRS letter indicating 501(c)(3) tax exempt status

Associate Membership Benefits



The Highway Safety Act of 1966 created a unique partnership among federal, state and local governments to address the problem of unsafe highways. The Act established the State and Community Highway Safety Grant Program (U.S.C. Title 23, Section 402), commonly known as the "402" program.

State Highway Safety Offices were created as a result of this legislation and were funded mainly with 402 funds. In each state and territory, governors select a Highway Safety Representative to administer the program.

In 1967, The National Conference of Governors' Highway Representatives–the predecessor to GHSA–was born when several state Highway Safety Representatives, realizing the need to share information and collectively work for national safety goals, decided to organize into a formal group.

The organization was incorporated in 1974 and received nonprofit status in 1976. In the ensuing years, its membership, expertise and influence grew. in 2002, the organization's name was changed to the Governors Highway Safety Association.

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