Friday From DC - MRF Visits Waymo

Alerts and other info from the MRF

3/30/2024 8:08:23 AM
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Friday From DC - MRF Visits Waymo


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MRF Visits Waymo
Latest In Robo-Taxis

Last week, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) attended an event in Washington, D.C., hosted by Waymo, a self-driving car company. Titled “Every Mile Together: Waymo Safety Forum and Discussion," this event included a panel discussion with executives for Waymo, the National Safety Council and the Governors Highway Safety Association.

Waymo is a subsidiary of Google and is best known for its “robo-taxis.” These vehicles allow riders to hail a car and travel to a destination without a driver. Operating without a driver falls under the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) definition of “Level 4” automation. That NHTSA classification means, “When engaged, the system is fully responsible for driving tasks. A human driver is not needed to operate the vehicle.”

An important takeaway from the event was that Waymo agrees with the MRF that current advertisements and the lack of transparency involving this modern technology are unacceptable. Other companies are operating vehicles with Level 2 autonomy. Misleading advertising means consumers are unaware of what tasks that automation level can perform. The Level 2 automation definition states: “Driver is fully responsible for driving the vehicle while the system provides continuous assistance with either acceleration/braking and steering.”

The MRF is committed to fighting for the safety of bikers and will collaborate with allies on issues we agree upon. We thank the officials at Waymo for the invitation and for including us in these discussions.

As a reminder, Waymo is operating in Phoenix, San Francisco and Los Angeles, with plans to start in Austin, Texas. These vehicles are on the road now and their presence is growing. Waymo will soon begin testing in other locations, so, as always, remain vigilant.

<a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="0" href="" style="border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 30px; line-height: 30px; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-optical-sizing: inherit; font-kerning: inherit; font-feature-settings: inherit; font-variation-settings: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 8px 12px; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline-block; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-line: none; border-radius: 20px;">Join The MRF


About Motorcycle Riders Foundation

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved. Ride With The Leaders ™ by<a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="1" href="" style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> joining the MRF at <a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="2" href="" style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> or call (202) 546-0983

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MRF Visits Waymo
Latest In Robo-Taxis

Last week, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) attended an event in Washington, D.C., hosted by Waymo, a self-driving car company. Titled “Every Mile Together: Waymo Safety Forum and Discussion," this event included a panel discussion with executives for Waymo, the National Safety Council and the Governors Highway Safety Association.

Waymo is a subsidiary of Google and is best known for its “robo-taxis.” These vehicles allow riders to hail a car and travel to a destination without a driver. Operating without a driver falls under the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) definition of “Level 4” automation. That NHTSA classification means, “When engaged, the system is fully responsible for driving tasks. A human driver is not needed to operate the vehicle.”

An important takeaway from the event was that Waymo agrees with the MRF that current advertisements and the lack of transparency involving this modern technology are unacceptable. Other companies are operating vehicles with Level 2 autonomy. Misleading advertising means consumers are unaware of what tasks that automation level can perform. The Level 2 automation definition states: “Driver is fully responsible for driving the vehicle while the system provides continuous assistance with either acceleration/braking and steering.”

The MRF is committed to fighting for the safety of bikers and will collaborate with allies on issues we agree upon. We thank the officials at Waymo for the invitation and for including us in these discussions.

As a reminder, Waymo is operating in Phoenix, San Francisco and Los Angeles, with plans to start in Austin, Texas. These vehicles are on the road now and their presence is growing. Waymo will soon begin testing in other locations, so, as always, remain vigilant.

<a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="0" href="" style="border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 30px; line-height: 30px; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-optical-sizing: inherit; font-kerning: inherit; font-feature-settings: inherit; font-variation-settings: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 8px 12px; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline-block; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-line: none; border-radius: 20px;">Join The MRF


About Motorcycle Riders Foundation

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved. Ride With The Leaders ™ by<a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="1" href="" style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> joining the MRF at <a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="2" href="" style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> or call (202) 546-0983

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